Torn on what to give mom for Mother's Day? You'll love these eco-friendly mom gifts! They won't break the bank and these gifts for mom will make her smile! There's a gift idea for every mom on this list, even yours!
Check them out and be sure to tell me your favorites!
These 10 eco-friendly mom gifts are great for Mother's Day!
1. Breakfast in bed. She’ll thank you for not buying her a meal at the local greasy spoon that’s 65% of the days calories because the portion size is so huge.
2. Skip your local card store. First of all, by now the cards are really picked over and you’ll end up with a bunch of cheesiness anyway. Second, something fashioned out of construction paper and crayons is much more memorable and charming.
3. Please please don’t send her flowers from one of those telephone florist places. They are grossly overpriced and the flowers wilt and die. Instead, buy her plants and then PLANT THEM FOR HER.
4. Consider an at home spa day. Keep it paraben free for mom. Think eggs, oatmeal, olive oil, strawberries – just not all necessarily together. It’s amazing the skin care ingredients that can come straight out of your pantry.
5. Grab the bus and head to the zoo, or walk to a local park. Pack some cheese, fruit and sparkling water and have a picnic while you’re there!
6. Is mom far away? Fire up Skype! You still get to see her and it’s way easier than hopping on an airplane or driving across the state.
7. Instead of buying her a book or her favorite magazine subscription, see if you can get it for her Kindle.
8. Replace her household cleaning supplies with earth friendly ones (if she doesn’t use them already) Whether it’s a more eco-conscious brand or just a plain ol jug of vinegar it’s better for her.
9. Does mom’s car need a tune up? Her tires filled? While she’s being pampered at home in her spa, have someone take it for some lovin!
10. And of course, give mom a hug, and thank her for raising such a savvy, eco-friendly child!
Still thinking you want to shop? Here are some things from Amazon to inspire your gift ideas for mom! As always, when you shop are affiliate links we make a small percentage from your purchase at no cost to you. Thank you for supporting our site!
Betsy (Eco-novice)
I love the idea of planting flowers for mom.
Cristi Comes
Great ideas. Will definitely be giving my mom a hug since she's flying into town this weekend!! 🙂
these are great suggestions! i definitely second #1 and #5!!!