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When we’re kids, we find magic in everything. An inch worm crawling across a leaf, a butterfly dancing in the breeze and jumping in mud puddles. I have a memory from my childhood of pouring a bowl of Lucky Charms and having not one, but TWO prizes fall in my bowl. In addition to those yummy marshmallows I got two prizes! Talk about finding magic. These are the things that adults take for granted, and children find joy in them every day.
Let’s stop for a moment, and go back to finding the magic again. Pour yourself a bowl of your favorite kids cereal and check out this list of over 50 ways to create and find magic!
50 ways to create and find magic
- Believing in yourself will help you create your own magic.
- Love yourself and love others.
- Drink more water!
- Try a new restaurant in your city every month
- Dance, stretch, do yoga and move your body.
- Get out into nature and explore.
- Play with kids on a playground or splash pad.
- Hold a baby for someone else.
- Go somewhere new in your own town.
- Take the scenic route.
- Stimulate all your senses each day.
- Create a vision board.
- Take a new class with friends.
- Have a tea party in the rain.
- Practice random acts of kindness.
- Make art. Messy art.
- Read your favorite books from your childhood.
- Get all dressed up just because.
- Put on your favorite music and dance around your house.
- Listen to your intuition.
- Wear something every day that has meaning to you, like a special piece of jewelry or a color.
- Have an adventure with your kids.
- Make rainbows by hanging a prism in your window.
- Surround yourself those that inspire, motivate and encourage you.
- Walk barefoot outdoors.
- Make goal lists for from time to time, and actually do them!
- Give yourself purpose, build your self-esteem.
- Go somewhere just to people watch.
- Play hard.
- Make a wish when you catch the clock at 11:11.
- Keep a journal, whether it’s to write down your thoughts or quotes that inspire you.
- Take the long way home.
- Sit outside at night and look at the stars. Even better, find out when the next meteor shower is!
- Make a musical bucket list and buy those concert tickets!
- Get yourself fresh flowers.
- Leave a note for a stranger to find!
- Buy balloons. (Just don’t let them go in the sky, it’s not good for the sea!)
- Blow bubbles. Use giant wands in a park or out of the window in a car at a stop light (just don’t blow and drive!)
- Create a ritual that is special to you.
- Take photographs and actually print them out.
- Create a time capsule with your children or your friends.
- Tell the people you love that you love them.
- Turn your phone off for a couple hours every day.
- Smile at strangers, you never know the kind of day someone is having.
- Open up the windows in your house and let in the fresh air
- Get a tattoo of something that means the world to you, so you have it with you forever.
- Collect sand and seashells from beaches.
- Make time for creativity everyday.
- Stop hoarding that special occasion wine, chocolate or dress and USE IT TODAY!
- Call a friend. Not texting, not email. Curl up on the couch and gossip lie a teenager.
- Blow the seeds off of dandelions and make a wish. The bees will thank you!
- Spend time with your pets. If you don’t have one, volunteer at a shelter and get your lovins on!
- Dance in the rain! Jump in puddles!
- Make a playlist on your iPhone ala 1990’s mixtape
- Go for a drive with the windows rolled down or rent a convertible.
- Pretend you’re packing a lunch for yourself as if you were 6. Cut your sandwich with cookie cutters. Don’t forget the googly eyes.
- Take yourself on a date once every week.
Celebrate unusual holidays with wild abandon. - Pour the second bowl of cereal, and may it be full of marshmallows!
Finding ways to create magic in your everyday life is sort of like finding the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. It’s so important to stop and celebrate the little things!
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