Quincy’s been having a tough time learning to read. We practice every night. I decided to take a different strategy though, inspired by Gabriela McBride, American Girl’s Girl of the Year. Gabriela expresses herself through spoken word poetry. American Girl sent us a Gabriela McBride doll earlier this year.
Quincy and I wrote a Haiku about Gabriela to celebrate National Poetry month. Now, I know a Haiku isn't spoken word poetry, but for a little girl struggling with the challenges of dyslexia, it's a start. I'm hoping that playing with and learning about Gabriela will help her gain more confidence!
In celebration of National Poetry Month (April), American Girl is debuting a series of Gabriela-inspired videos, featuring real girls who use their passion of spoken word to let their voices be heard, while encouraging girls how to get started if they’ve never created spoken word poetry before.
To connect boys and girls with Gabriela’s inspiring message and bring awareness of the strength in poetry,American Girl has partnered with Scholastic to create and distribute Express Yourself, a custom curriculum program that teaches 3rd-5th grade students how to use poetry as a tool for self-expression. The program features a poetry contest for students that will run throughout the month of April.
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