General Mills sponsored this post, but the opinions are my own
How to find a morning routine for kids
No matter whether it’s going back to school after a holiday break or a long weekend, re-entry can be hard. It’s hard to find a morning routine for kids that actually works. I’m still struggling, but here are some of my tips. Read more of my sponsored post to see what works for my family.
Here are some tips for a kid friendly morning routine.
Mom wakes up first.
This is hard for me, since we have to get up at 6am, but waking up before my kids gives me a few minutes of me time to start my tea and check my email before I get my kids rolling. Having that cup of tea, even if only a few sips, makes all the difference.
Everything Has Its Place
Making morning time easier (and getting home too) by having a spot for all school-related stuff -- backpack, lunch box, library books, permission slips, etc. -- is stored and prepped in the same place. Don’t forget school shoes and coats. Always! We keep our backpacks right by the door which makes it easier for the kids to grab and go!
Make Charts
A morning routine chart -- use images for pre-readers or kids with special needs -- it will help easily distracted kids focused. Ideas of things to include: Get dressed, comb hair, make bed, eat breakfast, brush teeth, put on shoes, get your backpack etc.
Get Dressed First
Getting dressed used to take forever. Now we are getting it out of the way first thing – before breakfast or technology. Choosing clothes the night before is a huge help for both my kids and I.
Have a Breakfast Station
Buy time for yourself by helping kids to get breakfast themselves. Save hot breakfasts for the weekends and holidays. For school days, stick with no cook choices like Lucky Charms Frosted Flakes cereal. Have cereal, bowls and spoons in a place where kids can easily reach them. Keep breakfast milk in a kid friendly container that they can pour themselves. (Trust me on this, you don’t know how much a gallon of milk really is until one spills all over your kitchen floor.)
I love the confidence it gives my daughter to be responsible for preparing her own breakfast!
Set an Example
Make sure you model what you want your kids to do. When you start prepping the night before, the kids will learn to as well. Also, no skipping breakfast, as tempting as it is to do tasks, eat with the kids!
Rely on clocks.
If they don’t already know how, a morning routine is a great reason to teach your kids how to tell time. Put clocks in your child’s room, the bathroom, the kitchen. I also have incremental alarms set on my phone in the morning, and my kids know what needs to be done by each alarm. By making kids more aware of time, you’re showing the importance of promptness and helping your child learn to manage time.
Follow a schedule.
Be predictable and try to follow the same schedule every day, before and after school. It’s not boring, it helps kids get used to a routine. Having a predictable morning routine for kids, it makes it easy for them to realize when they’ve missed something.
Start your morning routine for kids that actually works with fun cereals!
You can get all of new General Mills cereals like Banana Nut Cheerios, Chocolate Peanut Butter Cheerios, and Lucky Charms Frosted Flakes at Walmart AND, breakfast time just got tastier and easier! Your kids are going to LOVE their morning routine now.
What are your ideas for morning routine for kids that actually works?
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