My switch to Tom’s of Maine natural deodorant was one of the first steps towards a better self care routine. Simple habits make a big difference. Thanks to Toms of Maine for sponsoring this post.
Self care shouldn’t be a thing you do every once in a while, but an everyday thing. Getting started might be tough, but it's the repetition of all the little habits that will make them part of your everyday routine with ease. The Tom’s of Maine natural deodorant in the Tea-Tree is one on of my favorites! So fresh and invigorating.
Self-Care Ideas your Body
Self care for your body is so important. Whether it’s paying attention to what you eat or the kind of deodorant you use, little changes make a big difference.
Switch to a natural deodorant. Tom’s of Maine is the. “#1 natural deodorant brand with a number of award-winning products among its deodorant portfolio. The natural deodorant has 24-hour odor protection you can trust, from scents such as Wild Lavender, Tea Tree, Apricot, Lemongrass, and more.
Walk more. Skip the elevator or close parking space and take some extra steps. If your health allows it, make brisk steps or even run.
Get enough oxygen! Take deep belly breaths through your abdomen. and let the air puff out your stomach and chest. Do this several times a day.
Get that 7th inning stretch. Take time to stop and stretch throughout the day, whether you’re at your desk or sitting on the couch.
Don't forget the vitamin D. Get fifteen minutes of sun each day. Even when you live in a cold or climate. Never forget your sunscreen, even on cloudy days.
Self-Care Ideas for your Mind
Keeping your mind sharp and focused will ultimately help you feel better about yourself. Changing how you think and live is critical to self care.
Do things differently. Take a different route to work. Say yes when you normally say no. Order a different coffee. It’s amazing how changing a routine can create new neural pathways.
It’s okay to be selfish. Put yourself first at least once a day.
Do a mini closet purge from time to time. If something you don’t love or wear is taking up space, get rid of it.
Unplug. Break the habit of grabbing your phone and checking Facebook the instant you wake up each morning, and give yourself time each day where you switch to airplane mode and disconnect. Turn off the TV and radio and enjoy the quiet.
Get rid of negatively on social media. If more drama will happen if you unfriend or delete, then just mute or unollow.
Self-Care Ideas your soul
Soothing your soul with self care will help everything else fall into place. Focusing on positivity and how you impact the world is the ultimate in self care.
Have alone time. Set aside time to do something alone, whether it’s reading, your favorite hobby or walking in the park.
Help someone. Open a door, run an errand for a neighbor, just be kind.
Love on an animal. Animals make you feel better. If you don’t have one, ask a friend or visit a shelter.
Ask for positive feedback. Ask friends to tell you what they admire about you.
Have a home spa day. Take a long bath or shower, slather yourself with moisturizer and finish with Tom’s of Maine natural deodorant.
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I recently switched to an all natural deodorant due to allergies and I love it. Recently I have started to use products that contain fewer chemicals that are harmful to the body. Thanks for sharing these are some really good self-care tips adding a couple to my list.