This is part of a sponsored collaboration with Kroger and DiMe Media. However, all opinions expressed are my own.
To be honest, I'm the LAST person you should come to for advice on how to start your day. My husband will be the first to tell you that I can be pretty grumpy in the morning. We wake up at 6am during the school year and the kids are out the door by 6:50. That's not a lot of time. We try to prepare the night before, but aren't always successful.
These are things that help make my morning routine easier.
This is really two different things. Breakfast for me starts with a non negotiable mug of tea. Even before I had kids, my morning has always started with tea. Tea and lipgloss are the answer to my morning routine. No joke.
I try to plan breakfast out the night before. It makes it much easier for the kids to fix it themselves and saves precious time in the morning. As for me? I don't have time to sit down with the kids and eat - that happens when I get them out the door.
Have countdown timers.
My husband gives me the side eye on the days he is home from work because he likes to sleep in, but I have found that having a countdown timer really helps me keep my morning on task. I have alarms that go off every 15 minutes from the time we get up on school days, and it really helps. By the third alarm at 6:45am, everyone needs to have their hair brushed and use the bathroom. Alarms are my lifesaver. It also usually keeps the kids from getting distracted and not walking out the door without their jackets, backpacks etc. USUALLY.
Figure out what you're wearing the night before.
I'm sort of okay about this. Where I mess up is if the kids have gym class or a field trip. I'm horrible about laying out my own clothes. The days I do, it saves time! Don't be like me, put out your clothes every single night!
Keep hair (and makeup for mom) simple.
When you're trying to get out the door, there isn't time for a elaborate hair styles or makeup routines. My kids get their hair brushed, and maybe my daughter gets a ponytail. I used to skip primping, but I found myself running an errand right after the bus picks up the kids, or even sometimes, running them to school because the busses are late.
Lip gloss, a little mascara and some powder are all I need to feel put together. If I'm feeling fancy, I might curl my lashes. Best of all, it doesn't take much to step up this make-up routine if I'm going out. As a bonus, an easy makeup routine also makes it easier to take everything with me if I need a touch up when I am out and about.
Hint: Pick up all of your hair and beauty supplies while you're shopping for your groceries. Life is too crazy to have to run a million errands. I love that I can pick up a new lip gloss or replace my mascara while I'm getting what I need to pack lunches and make dinner. Our local Fred Meyer has an awesome makeup department with all of my favorite beauty brands. Then even have a fantastic in-house line - I use their makeup wipes for my evening routine!
Picking up my favorite beauty and hair products while grocery shopping is just another way I make my morning routine work for me. I'm all about convenience!
What's your morning routine advice?
The best advice I can give for having a morning routine is do what works for you. Keep it simple. I know families that have checklists by the door or use their smart home devices to remind them to do things. For me, the easier it is, the easier it is to stick to it. Need hair and makeup tips? Visit for some tips and inspiration to make every day great day!
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