It's been miserably hot in Seattle. No rain for over 50 days. The smoke from the wildfires in BC don't help either. My kids are taking private swimming lessons, but they need more than a pool to cool off in the summer heat. Water activiesw are a great way to cool off and have fun. Here are some fun ways to play with water.
Keep in mind with water activities, kids should be supervised for safety reasons, but all the more reason for you to join in the fun!
Water Activities for Kids
1. DIY Water Blob | Modern Parents Messy Kids
2. Tin Foil River Outdoor Water Play | Frugal Fun 4 Boys
3. Water Sensory Play with Colored Ice | Glue Sticks & Gumdrops
4. DIY Water Wall | Tinkerlab
5. Water Balloon Basketball | Learn Play Imagine
6. Colored Water Transfer Activity | Hands On As We Grow
7. Baby Bath Station | Happy Hooligans
8. Soapy Sea Foam Sensory Play | Two-Daloo
9. Polka Dot Soup Water Sensory Play | Fun at Home with Kids
10. Walking Water Science Experiment | Coffee Cups and Crayons
11. Squeezing and Pouring Activity | Life With Moore Babies
12. Pool Noodle Boats | Frogs, Snails & Puppy Dog Tails
13. Drip, Drip, Drip Outdoor Water Game for Kids | The Educator's Spin On It
14. Water Baby Sensory Bin | Toddler Approved
15. Water Absorption Experiment | Little Bins for Little Hands
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